Our dream is for Segera Mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus and spark authentic revival throughout Kenya and the world! Theology teaches us that only God can draw hearts to himself. This means, our goal is not to “create converts to Christianity” but rather share the love of Jesus and let Him turn hearts back to himself. We do this by:

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Through our on-site Bethel Church we meet regularly and boldly proclaim the gospel of Christ. Our hope is that through worship, teaching, and baptism every tribe, nation, and tongue will know the redeeming love of Jesus.


Through our Discipleship Programs we walk with each other as we live out the Gospel, strengthening and building one another up as we chase after Jesus together. We even hold Pastor Conferences to make sure pastors all over the country are encouraged to continue the work of the Gospel.

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We believe in God that cares for every part of us. That’s why we work to uphold biblical mandates like “defend the widow and the fatherless” and allocate community members and resources to make sure the most vulnerable of our community are taken care of.