
 The Segera Mission was founded by Rev. Carlton “Pappy” Gleason in 2002. After first visiting Kenya 4 years earlier and seeing the tremendous needs the Lord broke his heart for the people of Kenya. At the amazing age of 88, Rev. Gleason, called “Pappy” by all that knew him, started a medical clinic, a school, a feeding program for widows and orphans, and a mission outreach program. When he died there at age 94 over 1400 people attended his funeral. His legacy will continue to impact the lives of those he loved so dearly!


After Pappy’s passing in 2008 his daughter Janice took up the mantle to continue her father’s legacy of bringing quality education, access to healthcare, community development, and discipleship to the country of Kenya.


Over the last couple years, Janice diligently searched for someone that could carry on her and her father’s incredible work in Segera Mission. Through a series of connections her search ended in 2019 with Josh Dorrell. After visiting Segera Mission, meeting the incredible team on the ground in Kenya, and seeing the vast impact Segera Mission had on the community Josh felt the Lord was calling him to take over.